Ode to Code: Exploring Poetry Through P5.JS

Ode to Code: Exploring Poetry Through P5.JS

Mackayla Kelsey
Mackayla Kelsey
Coding, Computational Thinking
Grades K-12

Ode to Code: Exploring Poetry Through p5.JS

Welcome coders, poets, and friends! Ode to Code: Exploring Poetry Through p5.JS is one of many dazzling activities that are part of Hour of Code 2021. In this space, you're invited to explore Lewis Carroll's poem, "Jabberwocky", a nonsensical piece of poetry about the defeating of a creature named "the Jabberwock". It was included in his 1871 novel Through the Looking-Glass, the sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. This poem has been "rewritten" using p5.JS -- a visual JavaScript library for creative coding -- and is divided into four parts. Pay close attention: in each part, you'll find a "clue" near the top of the screen that will help you interact with and navigate through the poem. Can you collect each part of the poem? Also included is a "toolbox" of sorts that shares more ways to play with p5.JS and meet wonderful poets of the world!

Ode to Code: Exploring Poetry Through p5.JS